Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v0.35] By MrDots Games

MrDots Games Games released a new game called Dating My Daughter and the version is Ch. 1-4 v0.35. The game’s story is about Main Plot: You’ll assume the role of a divorced father who hasn’t seen his daughter in years. Now that she’s 18 years old, she contacts you and tells you that she would like to have a “father-daughter” date with you. You’ll have the chance to get to know your daughter better, build a special relationship and why not, maybe convince her to have more “father-daughter” dates with you in the future.

Developer: MrDots Games
File Size:1.99 GB
Version:Ch. 1-4 v0.35
OS:Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
game details

Game Version Changelog:


In-game WT Password: notoriety

By the time you finish playing this release, it should give you a fair idea of how close we are to finishing some of the extra paths and also bringing an end to the story between you and your daughter.

It’s nice that we have some fans who have let us know that they don’t want it to end or that they want it to go on forever, but the reality is, it can’t, mainly because we have ambitions to make many more games in the future.

That won’t happen if we continue making two games at a time and it will also slow down our progression as a developing team.
About this update

At the end of the last update, you and your daughter (and the other girls you may have been seeing) were getting prepared for a huge event that was taking place in Sunshine Bay that night.

Megastar and singer-songwriter “Koko” has invited you to a private function in town, and to also announce which two girls will be given a couple of important roles in the future, jobs that will pretty much set them up for life.

Will your daughter be one of them, or will she suffer disappointment and heartbreak just like she did at the modelling competition a few months earlier?

And that’s only some of the drama that will take place in this all-important release.

We also know that your ex-wife, Rachel, has befriended your daughter’s rival, Tyra, and both of them also have their own agendas and maybe even some scores to settle.

Developer Notes:

But this is our story, and as I’ve always maintained, especially during that troubled time once the game was taken down from Patreon, we have every intention of seeing DMD through until the end. And because of you guys (and girls) that have pledged, commented, and supported me during all this time, you all thoroughly deserve that.

For this update, we’ve put a lot of focus being on the various relationships that you the main character, may have chosen to have with the other female love interests in the game, aside from your daughter. You’ll notice from one of our previews this month that D’s friends Elena and Jennifer will feature, as will a few other fan favourites.

Game Images & Screenshots


Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


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