Love Inn [v0.1.5] By croco_nsfw

croco_nsfw Games released a new game called Love Inn and the version is 0.1.5. The game’s story is about You being sent to work at a traditional Japanese hot spring inn, as you were kicked out because of getting into too much trouble. You will meet and develop relationships with the married owner, the long-staying residents, and the regulars that come and go, while working and improving the inn. I’m trying to mimic the feel of old eroge and dating sims, with the added touch of modern depravity.​

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game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Two events for Aya (ecchi, with CG), two for Keiko (one lewd, with CG. Repeatable). Introduction of Ume, three events, one lewd, with CG.
  • Chores: Cleaning and maintenance. They give you money, that you receive at the end of day. Idea is to expand similar to reception eventually.
  • Rain, (sounds inside and outside, ceiling lights when raining / night all rooms), plus rain schedules. Been adding dialogue for each action during rain for the main characters, want to expand to all activities for all characters eventually.
  • There’s some variation in the reception mini events. Now there’s 3 for each main character depending on their mood, picked randomly, plus one extra for rain.
  • Bathroom stalls are walkable in when empty and characters can be in them using them. Making the stalls walkable was a pain because they are opaque, so I tweaked a lot with transparency + render priority, but I think they look good now when you enter them.
  • Fullscreen support. Screenshots and video recording DOESN’T WORK with fullscreen, it’s a Godot thing (it’s fixed in Godot 4.0, but I can’t / don’t want to port the game yet).
  • Open / close menus with right click button. Disabled mouse wheel input in dialogue.
  • Added a small box that shows when you can interact with things around you. Also now the game shows how many times you have done an activity until 5, as it caps at 5 affection for each one.
  • Spy cam system as a separate task and cam UI. Events are chosen from an array pool, as chosen by a previous poll. I feel it’s a good idea, let me know if it disrupts the gameplay a lot or not. Right now there’s no events or multiple cams, I added for now a bathroom cam and girls can be in there. The idea is to expand that a bit, so it’s not only a small animation loop. Maybe even so you can go “interact”, as seen by the event in the update.
  • More details from the night screen. If you feel there’s something missing in there, please let me know!
  • The handyman is Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday mornings (once you have met him) at the entrance. He’ll sell you a better futon for now, which can increase your stamina. The UI is ugly as hell right now, but I want to check with you guys any possible bugs. You can buy a futon, which increases max stress levels.


  • Talking to a character while sleeping doesn’t increase the daily mood boost.
  • Talking to a character while on the toilet, decreases her opinion on you.
  • There’s a 20% chance that these occur: Cleanliness goes down between 0-2 daily, or 1-3 if it rains. Maint. down 0-1 daily.
  • Mood for all residents decrease if the ryokan is dirty or poor maint. And the other way around, if high stats mood increases.
  • If the player has done an event with a character in a day, prevent from allowing an event from that character the same day even


  • FROM EARLY ACCESS: Changed how cam events load so they no longer soft lock the game.
  • Prevent the player to open the menu while on some nigh screen / wani book.
  • You could get a character’s Location as “Away from the Ryokan” and the hint saying “I should look for her now”.
  • Routines schedules were not saved properly.
  • Sometimes you could get stuck during sex scenes because one bar wouldn’t fill.
  • Pressing control while also clicking on dialogue, broke the correct sequences of events. Also passing dialogue with control is slower now on purpose.
  • Going from room to room is slightlyyyy slower, so it can load the room without glitching visually.


  • STILL have the problem with the black screen when finishing an event and having to load another one, It’s very inconsistent, can’t replicate it easily so it will take me longer to track it. I’m very sorry, it’s the thing that frustrates me the most right now.
  • Loading a save, going to title, and then starting a new game messes some things right now.
  • While in fullscreen, screenshot + video recording doesn’t work. This is because of how Godot is made, won’t have a solution any time soon.
  • If you have to sleep earlier because you are tired, tasks still give you money.
  • When pressing Control in an event and a fade in / fade out starts, and Control is released, it can mess up the fading.
  • If you try to load from an autosave in the middle of an event, it won’t load correctly.
  • At night, when the mood updates bc of ryokan stats, multitude of popups appear making them unreadable.



  • New lewd system with extras (onomatopoeias, mist).
  • Introducing CGs. Custom CG for each lewd.
  • 4 new events (2 with the new lewd system, 2 ecchi). 1 Chiharu, 1 Keiko, 2 Misaki.
  • Rooms updates. Onsen and kitchen updates. Other minor visual updates.
  • More sprites ( walking sprites for Keiko, Chiharu, sleeping Chiharu (you can enter her room when completing her 4th event), plus events ones. Multiple portraits for events + variations.
  • The game now creates logs. They are stored in the same folder as the saves (in %appdata%/godot/app_userdata/LOVE_INN in Windows, or $HOME/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/LOVE_INN/logs/ in Linux). If something goes wrong, you can copy+paste me the log through anywhere you want!
  • Night screen. Now there’s a small transition with info about the next day’s tasks (will be more useful next update since I’ll work on the tasks) and a small anim lowering the stress levels.
  • Autosave on the night screen. You can’t overwrite it manually.


  • Doing characters’ events now rise the stress level a bit.
  • You can now work on reception on sundays and mondays (so you don’t miss events when characters are about to go away from the ryokan).
  • Reduced a bit the cooldown for the married couple to come from 6 days to 4 days so it’s easier to see new events.


  • Pressing spacebar now doesn’t select the first option on multiple choice.
  • Pressing control now doesn’t mess with submenus in predialogue.
  • You can’t select now disabled buttons. Godot was messing with me on this one.
  • Visual fixes like when focusing buttons, now the text is not white for better reading.
  • I found the culprit of visual bugs on textures having ugly seams. I’ll start fixing those from now on.
  • When too tired, the MC got stuck and time didn’t advance correctly.
  • When pressing Control in dialogue and a question appeared, it crashed since text went too fast and couldn’t grab focus of the first multiple option.

Known bugs

  • If you load a savefile that had incorrect tasks assigned, it’ll continue like that next day (only next day).
  • Misaki and Kenichi are not wearing their rings. My day is ruined. Think that they are leaving their rings inside so the sulfur waters don’t mess with the gold.


  • Options menu (vsync, fps limiter, SSAO, text speed, volume and sound options).
  • A new book in the player’s bedroom, that will show the patrons’ names for each update.
  • Mood is updated. Once a day, if you speak to a character, their mood will improve.
  • Actions for current 3 main girls. Mini animations that will pass time, improve mood and relationship. The relationship caps at 5 (I’ll indicate it better in game in future update) for each action, and can only be done once per day.
  • More custom sprites for characters schedules, more portraits, more dialogue.
  • “Changing room” update, plus other minor updates on other rooms.
  • 2 events for Chiharu, 2 for Aya and 1 for Keiko.
  • Basic BGM system and button sounds.
  • Character’s locations and event hints for better tracking, on relationship menu.
  • Ryokan menu, that shows who’s in which bedroom. For guests, shows how many days remaining until they leave.
  • The first guest couple (Misaki and Kenichi) now appear around the ryokan while staying. No work on dialogue or actions.
  • Mini anims for waking up and going to sleep if somewhere else to avoid sudden tp.
  • About section at the title for extra info.
  • Debug version.


  • Aya blocks the door at Sat Night (No current activity for her)
  • Crash on loading empty save slot on title screen
  • No name for character -> Now defaults to Kenta if empty().
  • If you load a save, then go to title screen, then new save, old data remained.
  • When pressing Ctrl in event sometimes caused a black screen.
  • Reception doesn’t start some days.

Developer Notes:

Planned tags:
Voyeurism, Degradation, Ahegao, , Watersports, Netori, Otokonoko If I read a good hentai then I’ll probably add more tags to the game. I like NTR, but I don’t feel it suits the protagonist. If you find any bugs or have any type of feedback, please contact me through Discord or Patreon. Thanks for playing 😀 Made with Godot Engine <3

Game Images & Screenshots


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