GrimDark Games released a new game called Masters of Raana and the version is public. The game’s story is about is an open-world RPG set in an abandoned colony, Ikaanos, on a dangerous planet that was separated from Earth several centuries ago. In this god-forsaken world feudal-like kingdoms fight amongst themselves for power and influence, when they’re not busy dealing with the monstrous megafauna that threatens the last bastion of human civilization.
On this planet, Raana, we find our MC – a nobody who has just inherited a house from his older brother, a renowned slave trainer that went missing over a year ago. Master of Raana’s open-world approach allows you to do anything; live as a quiet factory worker, a thrill-seeking adventurer, a scavenger, an academy master, a famous arena champion or anything in between.
You could also take up your brother’s old profession and train slaves into obedient servants, academy professors, fierce shield maidens, or willing sex toys. You’re also able to marry slaves, impregnate them and raise your offspring to adulthood, molding your children into anything you want; adventure buddies, accountants, guards or docile servants.
The planet of Raana also has many secrets to uncover, some you might stumble upon whilst exploring deep caverns or reading ancient books. There are many dangerous and hidden mysteries that lie waiting, ready to be discovered by those who seek the truth about Raana’s obscure past.
Developer: | GrimDark |
File Size: | 1.65 GB |
Version: | public |
OS: | Windows, Linux, Mac |
Languages: | English |
Game Version Changelog:
Gameplay changes
- [NPC] The MC and NPCs now suffer a -10 penalty when training physical skills *if* their age is 50+. The penalty increases to -20 if age is 60+. Penalties do not affect Ranged combat.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game as a Red Tide Devotee. This also increases her base WILLPOWER and Discipline by up to 60 points.
- [NPC] Talika now starts the game with a guaranteed DEXTERITY between 75 and 95.
- [NPC] Ayden now starts the game with the Crackshot trait.
- [NPC] The Black Scorpion now always start with the Brawler trait (if captured and added to household).
- [NPC] NPCs that are imprisoned or in the training room (over night) will no longer be affected by their slave masters or by Room effects.
- [NPC] Converting and NPC will now raise his or her Affection toward you with 5 points (cap: Loving).
- [NPC] Piercings, clothes and other Beauty/Charisma enhancing apparel will now count toward the Performer thresholds.
- [NPC] Taking Abhorred or Despising male NPCs to the diner now has a 75% chance to increase their Affection toward you with two points in addition to base increase chances.
- [NPC] Males will now use Floor Crawlers if their Corruption is 25+ (was 40).
- [NPC] Floor Crawlers will now lose Stamina (amount of Stamina Points deducted is roughly 50% of their “workload”/day).
- [NPC] Passive Arena training now has a chance to increase Stamina (cap: 90).
- [NPC] The gymnastics class at The Academy now has a chance to increase Stamina (cap: 120).
- [NPC/LOG] Added Respect and STAMINA gains to the Conclude Day log.
- [MARKET] Reduced cost for ointment by roughly 50%.
- [ECONOMY] You’re now able to sell Wood and Gunpowder at Redhaven Market.
- [MANUFACTURING/CRAFTING] The workshop is now processing knives, swords and crossbows in batches of 100 (was 10).
- [HOUSEHOLD] Increased starting gold, copper, silver and iron ore availability by 50-70% for all mines.
- [HOUSEHOLD] The Alien Vermin event will now deplete all household gardens (-1 level per event). Only active on Dying World playthroughs!
- [INTERROGATION] Added an additional +10 chance modifier for bringing a full group of Followers to the interrogation room. The MC’s Power Value and Influence will now also add a slight bonus to “Kind/respectful” interrogation attempts.
- [WORLD] Defeating Goran-Ika now gives +20 Fame points per Follower, instead of 16.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church can no longer wipe itself out (power below 1) from the abbey scandal event.
- [WORLD] The Catholic Church now only suffers a -3 Power penalty from the abbey scandal event (was 40).
- [WORLD] Auto buy rations will now deduct food from Redhaven Market’s food supplies (Market cap).
- [CCP] You can no longer combine the Mountain Man and Weak-boned traits.
New epic story event: The scourge of Raana
The player now has the option to enable an end game *Dengi invasion event* – both at startup and in the options menu. This event is set to OFF as default.
Once the amount of played days ($days gte $dengi_days) has reached or surpassed the “days” setting, there’s a 20% daily chance of the initial event chain to execute. Once that event chain reaches “The Rise of The Dengi King”, Ikaanos is invaded by a roughly 5,000+ man strong army of monstrous creatures that’ll try to destroy human civilization and enslave its people.
The player can actively try to defeat the dengis, who’re harassing The entire Red River Basin and Kasey’s Park. By fighting his way through the hordes of degenerates all the way to the Dengi King in Bela’s Marsh, the player can also play a direct role in ending the invasion, which provides unique loot and a new trait.
Skyguard is actively trying to fight this monstrous threat, however, and will deplete the dengi warrior count based on a number or factors. Unfortunately, Skyguard will also be depleted. If Skyguard drops below 200 men, and if the king is still alive, the destruction of Ikaanos begins, which immediately ends the game.
The active stance of Skyguard provides an alternative route for a non-combat oriented MC who can aid by providing NPCs and weaponry.
Note that dengi swarms are considered to be a very high-tier enemy. The dengi king is also extremely difficult to take out.
Bathroom overhaul
- Bathing now only takes 30 minutes instead of one hour.
- Increased Stamina and Health regeneration (from baths) by 30-50%.
New Darkmere map
Darkmere’s map has been completely overhauled to facilitate the new sawmill framework (see below).
Slave market changes
- Very high market saturations will now speed up the replenish rates by roughly 50%.
- Slave market saturation will now receive a +50% replenish rate boost if City Liberty is below 20 *or* City Corruption is 60+ *and* Prosperity is 60+.
Overhauled debug menu (Tier4+)
The old NPC debug menu has been completely overhauled and now includes the MC and World settings, in addition to a greatly expanded set of variables for NPCs.
New building: Sawmill
The MC is now able to purchase lumber rights at Darkmere, set up a sawmill and harvest wood.
Installing a burner also provides gunpowder (from charcoal).
The sawmill comes with a unique reforestation framework. It can also be converted into a farm once all the trees have been cut down.
Read more [here](
Room assignment overhaul
Any NPC who’s sleeping in a private room with at least one bed will now increase his or her Affection up to Friendly, if that NPC is a servant or less *and* if that NPC’s Anger is below 2. The room needs to be upgraded to at least lvl 1 and not have more than four occupants.
Economy pane changes
Business penalties and bonuses from Control are now deducted *after* calculating total business income. The “Control mod” notation has also been moved down to the calculation document, working exactly like the Prosperity mod.
Combat changes and addons
- Added a new early/mid game enemy POI to Raikan (Coiban’s Crew). Features one female enemy that is 100% random.
- Wrool cats now drop pelts as loot.
- Added day and night battle backgrounds for the Raikan district.
- [GRIMDARK DIFFICULTY] There’s now a -10 combat chance penalty if the MC is Tired.
- [GRIMDARK DIFFICULTY] There’s now a -15 combat chance penalty if the MC or an NPC has 5 or less Stamina Points left.
- Added new Great Sword weapon sound.
- Added 4 new enemy die sounds (x2 male, x2 female).
- Added 168 wardrobe pics (Av110-Av124).
- Added 14 sex scenes (Av129, Av133).
- Added 4 harness/collar combos for Aiko and Enya (tier request).
- Added combat sprites for Talika.
- Added 5 wardrobe pics (armor) for Kate.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a serious bug that would apply the wrong chance variable when trying to avoid Connor Sunderland’s eyes when seducing his wife. This bug created actions that didn’t correspond with the results.
- Fixed a serious bug that would make random NPCs inherit each other’s Loads taken variables.
- Fixed a bug that allowed off-city foremen and arena or abbey assigned NPCs to participate in domestic events.
- Fixed a missing face cum counter for shower scenes (loads taken).
- Fixed an economy pane glitch that wouldn’t display income from The Catholic Church unless your standing was 100+.
- Slaves purchased at the slave auctions will now have their status set to *Slave* by default instead of *Convict*.
- Fixed a bug that made workshops unable to create shotgun shells.
- Fixed several missing “Loads taken” and “Semen swallowed” scripts when doing blowjobs at the movies.
- Fixed an overlapping icon issue on the Westside map that would accidentally make you enter Nika’s Store when navigating to Redhaven.
- Fixed an erroneous checker that implied a slave market girl would’ve “just been released from her captivity (enemy capture)” when that wasn’t true.
- Fixed several bugs that would divide Captain, Herald and Accountant bonuses by 4.
- Prowlers can no longer utilize floor crawlers.
- Fixed a display issue that wouldn’t add income from Zapin Fields to the “Daily Ration change” if you are auto buying rations.
- Talika (av202) is no longer spelt in CAPITALS. Added script that’ll patch old saves.
- Tweaked an erroneous fast travel time checker for when going to Imogen’s barrow through the fast travel map.
- Fixed a missing hygiene boost for the MC for pool parties (ALL).
- Training clothes will now display properly in the MC’s inventory.
- Captured prowlers can no longer gain the secretive trait.
- Added missing equip sounds for swords and axes.
- Fixed a red error bug that would appear when going into “Available missions” at Hunt Labs.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to train unlimited times if you had the Educator Trait.
- Fixed an “_aff” display bug if an NPC’s Affection hit certain levels.
- Fixed a double armor display bug for randies (Inventory).
- Averil and Michelle will no longer mention or imply about their “wishes” after completing their quests (Ask about background).
- Fixed various glitches and inconsistencies in the _badass calculations (combat “AI” targeting).
- Fixed a bug that would disable the Unlucky trait event instead of enabling it.
- Income from The Catholic Church can no longer be negative.
- Fixed a missing combat sprite glitch (WEGA > Knife).
- Leia Winton’s mother is now scripted.
- Fixed Lamar Brooks quest pointer to actually point at a building and not Westside Abbey’s orchards.
- Fixed an erroneous chance checker for Connor when rolling Stealth rolls during Erica Sunderland’s seduction/sex events.
- Fixed various texts bug implying your bedroom doesn’t have a Mega bed, when it actually does.
- Added two extra accept morning BJ scripts for Caitlin. She should now accept performing morning BJs when in her “servitude state” (pre-quest).
- Fixed a “greyed out” button glitch that happened when trying to sell materials/necklaces at Nikas when also taking an NPC for piercings.
- Fixed many typos.
Game Images & Screenshots