Pawn Pleasure [v0.3.15] By adikt

adikt Games released a new game called Pawn Pleasure and the version is 0.3.15. The game’s story is about Pawn pleasure is a game where you play as the male shop keeper after being sent to another world where there’s only female. You get to haggle with the customers or give them better price for exchanging with something else.​

File Size:194.1 MB
game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Add new sex scene for Adelee.
  • Add cum on customer sprite after scene for Adelee and Kline.
  • Add Horny mood for customers. Currently, for most of the customer, this mood will unlock at h level 4. When the customer is in horny mood, they have higher chance to offer scene to player, and instead of bargaining for better price with player, they are willing to accept worse price for a steamy exchange, meaning higher profit. For example when the customer is selling, they will lower the price if the player want to bang her.
  • Add horny dialogue variant for all the customers. There might be some issue with this since there’s a lot of dialogue flow changed, let me know if you experiencing any issues.
  • Change how “ask naked” choice works on customers, now the player can choose what to do after the customer get naked rather than fixed to giving a counter offer.
  • Add ask to get naked option on buying customer on h level 3(with the perk unlocked). On selling customer this option is available as soon as the perk is unlocked.
  • Add ask to get naked choice on Gabrielle sell dialogue.
  • QoL:
    • Add mood explanation button at the right of the mood text.
    • Add confirmation box when you’re about to spend at least 3 times of the item estimation when buying from the customer.
  • Balancing:
    • Increasing h level on customer now will lower their “scene price”.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fix customer not offering scene to player due to broken perk check code.
    • Fix rejecting customer scene offer leading to premature dialogue end.
    • Fix several game data issues on new game, one of the problem is perk not unlocking until restart.
    • Fix mood button showing when the mood is not unlocked yet.
    • Fix Bethany unlocked at day 6 instead of 5.
    • Hide UI when an event start at the home, for example when Cassia is explaining about mood on the customers.
    • Fix spamming space on the start of an event on the home skipping it entirely to next day.

Developer Notes:

This is more of tech demo of what I’ve built so far, so this game is far from balanced.
Here’s what in the v0.0.14:

  • Base game loop buying/selling items on the shop.
  • Upgradable status on the player.
  • Random attributes on item and customer to add a little bit randomization on haggling.
  • Unique scene for 4 out of 10 customers (still working on the dialogue script for the scenes). 6 of the customer who doesn’t have scenes are older type of customers and meant to be replaced with new customer in future. Each customer also have multiple outfit.
  • One character, Cassia with her own scenes accessible after shop in the house.

Game Images & Screenshots


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