Tome of Lust [v0.10b1 Public] By anoobj

anoobj Games released a new game called Tome of Lust and the version is 0.10b1 Public. The game’s story is about Tome of Lust follows Julia, an innocent young woman who is unjustly imprisoned. In her cell, Julia discovers a tome that grants her unparalleled magical power. As you go deeper into the story, you help Julia survive among savage male prisoners and the cruel guards. Hopefully, one day she will manage to escape the prison to reach freedom and seek her revenge.​

File Size:335.9 MB
Version:0.10b1 Public
OS:Windows, Mac
game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Added preview for barmaid job
    • A quick preview for barmaid job. There will be 2 barmaid jobs. One job will be at the counter (like the preview), and one job will be going around the bar (will be implemented in next release).
    • Make reverse bunny outfit available for the barmaid job.
  • Added reverse bunny outfit to the game.
    • You can get this outfit after quest 10. You need to collect the 3 pieces for the outfit.
    • Talk to Green about the outfit, then see the 3 guards and fulfill their requests then come back to Green to purchase the pieces.
    • Once you’ve got the 3 pieces, go to the crafting table and craft them into the full reverse bunny outfit.
  • Added 45 cum coverage layers (yes, that’s forty five levels of coverage). The more battles and quick battles you engage in during the day, the more layer you will unlock.
  • Add Henry encounter after quest 10 with gold rewards like other NPCs.
  • Added quest 10 permanent choices (12 total)
    • There are 12 permanent choices you can make in quest 10 during the negotiation phase. These are now available in v0.10b (if you made them during the quest).
      • Always serve the black gang the first time you enter the bar.
      • Always serve the black gang every time you enter the bar.
      • Always crawl in the bar
      • Always crawl in the bar with toys
      • Always put on gag whenever you’re in the bar, and the black gang action will be random (instead of your choice).
      • Always serve the black gang with hands behind your back.
      • Always serve the first 5 guards encountered in the day.
      • Always serve the first 10 guards encountered in the day.
      • Always serve the NPC guards (no decline choice).
      • Always serve the NPC guards (no decline choice) with hand behind your back.
      • Always remove clothes in guards’ office.
      • Always be crawling in guards’ office.
  • Game rebalance
    • Increase stamina potion heal to almost double the existing amount.
    • Reduce all enemies stamina damage by half.
    • Increase boss damages by 2x to compensate for the enemy damage reduction.
    • Increase damage for 2 under used skills by 3x since they’re severely limited in terms of usage (i.e., they can only be used in certain stances). Hopefully the high damage will make these 2 skills worth learning.
  • Notoriety rework
    • Now notoriety won’t reduce after battle. Instead there’s a guard in the yard (near Julia cell) you can talk to to reduce notoriety. This guard will have an exclamation mark when your notoriety is too high.
    • You can bribe the guard to reduce your notoriety, or accept punishments instead (to save gold).
    • You can reduce your notoriety 3 times a day (the total will take effect after sleep).
    • Guards will also help you to lower your notoriety by a small amount daily for free if you have good relationship with them (via quest completion).
    • Daily battles gold reward is increased to compensate the fact that they don’t help reducing notoriety anymore.
  • Fixes:
    • Fix quest 10 bug of renovation men blocking your path.
    • Fix quest 10 bug of renovation men near whip gang still there after you fix the hole in the bar.
    • Fix Android crashing on Game Over.

Developer Notes:

I’m developing my first game after spending some amount of time studying the RPGM framework. After several hundreds hours doing experiments and researches, I’m now relatively confident that I can implement most of the features I want for my game. I’ve never developed a game before, so this was quite a learning experience for me. Planned features General gameplay will be mostly adventure, exploration, puzzle solving, and testing your keyboard skills. H-features I plan to include: BDSM, promiscuous, gangbang, light femdom. The more distinct approach to H-features I planned for the game is using magic heavily while having sex.

Game Images & Screenshots

Download From Our Server [⬇️Original Download Link⬇️]
: – 352208276
Mac: – 398585836
Android: Tome_of_Lust_Android_v0_10b1.apk – 265848637



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