Manor [Alpha 22 Patch 1] By TirelessLurker

TirelessLurker Games released a new game called Manor and the version is Alpha 22 Patch 1. The game’s story is about is a game in which you transform a manor full of visitors into creepy, near identical maids (or non-identical alraunes/succubi, or identical maids if you set the option). It looks like a board game, but it’s more of a sim game. It’s inspired by Escape the Manor (a Student Transfer scenario by Narg) and (with permission) the characters and flavour draw heavily from it; other inspirations include similar stuff in other games (for example Chambers of Pandemonium).​

File Size:696.4 MB
Version:Alpha 22 Patch 1
OS:Windows, Linux, Mac
game details

Game Version Changelog:

Alpha 22 Patch 1

  • Possibly fix for action arrows sometimes not being visible
  • Fixed a few probable crash causes in the champion AI
  • Champion bugs are now removed from the game if dropped while inactive, or when the controlling champion leaves/etc.
  • Fixed acting in a room with an inactive champion bug causing a crash
  • Fixed controlled beegirl transformation being appliable to champions, and fixed beegirls abducting champions
  • Fixed a crash occurring when the good succubus is considering seducing a hidden character
  • Added a few bits to the manual, tutorial and tooltips
  • Characters that started as succubuses who are exchanged now have no contribution value
  • Traitor champions are no longer forced to drop their champion items after eight turns
  • Fixed characters getting stuck waiting for a sex partner who has left the manor
  • Fixed body swap issues when swapping with dark elf minions
  • Unconscious trainees no longer gain obedience
  • Characters in stasis/boxes that become non-stasisable (e.g. body swap results in a trainee) will now begin exiting stasis after doing so
  • Brute focused champions should no longer spam requests for duels on the same character (they’ll wait for a couple of hours after being refused)
  • Fixed missing part of calculation for deal odds
  • Fixed crash when succubus mark activates on someone with an unexpected image set
  • Cops who are having sex or intending to have sex should no longer be interrupted by needing to leave or calls for help
  • Fixed second control crystal destruction affecting boxed maids
  • Replaced crashes occurring when a sprite can’t be found with a ‘no image’ image
  • Prevented some cases where some non-visitor characters could have lingering champion item equipped states
  • Visitors will now only drag characters into dead end, one door rooms

Game Images & Screenshots

Download From Our Server [⬇️Original Download Link⬇️]
: – 730229241
Linux: Manor_Linux_Alpha_22_Patch_1.tar.gz – 726812623
Mac: – 133383941


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